Linea HO.RE.CA.
PugliaAlimentari, with a wide selection of distributors has a large commercial presence in the channel Ho.Re.Ca.The line Buckets designed for the Ho.Re.Ca. sector is available in sizes from 2 or 3 Kg for Tarallini, Appetizers, and Squared, or in size from 1.2 Kg for the Croutons.
Buckets with screw cap airtight freshness keep intact the taste and fragrance of our products!

The line Vending, is this year enriched with the new, “ Tarallini Turnip greens, and Tarallini Turmeric and Ginger” from 35g is presented to the consumer in 11 different variants, 8 for salt and 3 for the line, sweet with the practical single-dose packages of the Dumplings with fillings: Cocoa and Hazelnut, Jam and Apricot Jam and Apple in sizes from 30g.
Ideal for the Vending Machines, thanks to the wrapping with the film on aluminium, which preserves the taste, even at low temperatures, in the line exhibitors from the Box to the Mouth of the Wolf makes this a practical format that is ideal for Bar and display counters!